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For more than 35 years, Ken Baum has been making athletes better, improving businesses, and increasing sales performance while creating strategies to help people change and enhance their lives. He is a recognized leader in Sports and Business Psychology and a published author, trainer, and nutritionist. His unique skill set has helped millions of people to get "unstuck" and excel in sports, business, and life. Ken makes the good great and the great unstoppable.
Ken created The Mental Edge program over two decades ago, leading the revolution of Performance Psychology. He specializes in the training and development of individuals, businesses, and teams. He continues to evolve and grow in his career as he strives to provide the best mental coaching and training in the world.
As a student, Ken received a C in High School English and had an intense fear of public speaking. Despite these early limitations, he has written four books from major publishers and has become an accomplished speaker. His first book was, "The Mental Edge" (Perigee), followed by "Metabolize" (Putnam), then "Mind Over Business" (Prentice Hall), and soon to be released, "The Mental Edge for Teens" (Prentice Hall). He has presented over 1,200 speeches to worldwide audiences, ranging from a 20-minute keynote address to full-day meetings and multiple-day workshops. In addition, he has written and produced for TV, provided sports commentary for shows like Inside MMA, and hosted numerous documentaries.
Ken lives it! From laborer and construction worker to accomplished and award-winning salesperson, entrepreneur, and leading business trainer. At the top of his game, he educated himself, changed careers, and willed himself into one of the world's most recognized and effective Sports Psychology Trainers.
He is an athlete. A lifetime athlete with a passion for all sports, he had his athletic dreams derailed after his best friend's suicide in High School. This tragic event drove his interest in Psychology and fueled his passion, as "he turned the loss into a gain." Today he holds Black Belts in three martial arts styles: surfs and rock climbs, and is an accomplished mountaineer. He is committed to staying fit and living the adventure. Walking the talk gives him credibility and helps him understand and keep in touch with his clients. His children played college volleyball at the D-1 and D-2 levels, and his grandson D-1 baseball.
World-Class results happen! His client list reads like a who's who in sports and business. Over 100 World, Olympic, and National Champions and professionals from all sports are the testimony to his Mental Edge System.
Let Ken Help You Reach The Top!

'Ken's approach to mental training
is relentless and positive"
Sasha Cohen, Olympic Silver Medal
Entrepreneur, Author and Results Changer
Ken Baum Speaker - 1200 Presentations

Every Business no matter how big or small, and every athlete, professional to amateur, will benefit from KBME